Tag Archives: sort

Creating a custom sort order: load order & dual

Dual or Duel? Couldn't find a fitting picture to visualize the concept of sorting, so I decided to make a lame joke instead ;) Excellent movie though, really had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.In a previous post I described how to create a custom sort order in QlikView by assigning a sort order value in the load script or by using the match function. This post describes two other clever methods that I recently became aware of:

Read on to see how these methods work.

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Creating a custom sort order

QlikView offers quite a few ways to easily sort dimensions in your listboxes, tables and charts: by frequency, numeric, text or load order. But what if you want to use a custom sort order that does not follow one of these patterns?

Consider, for example, the following scenario; we have three Business Lines: A, B and C. These Business Lines always need to appear in the order B, A, C. This type of ordering cannot* be achieved by using any of the default sort orders, we will have to create a custom sort order. This post will describe two methods for doing this.

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