As promised in the previous post, today I have a tip for you that is of real, practical use.
Management summary: Ctrl + Shift + S overrules all conditional show expressions making every hidden sheet and sheet object visible.
Full story: Condtional show expressions are used in QlikView to show or hide a sheet or sheet object depending on if a predefined condition has been met. While this is extremely useful functionality to make your applications more user-friendly, it can be a real hassle during development.
If you want to edit a sheet or object when its show condition has not been met, you either have to make a selection that matches the condition, or you have to dig deep into the menu (Settings | Document Properties | Security | Show All Sheets and Objects) to disable, and when you’re done re-enable, conditional display. We all have better things to do with our time, for example reading blog posts that are way longer than they need to be.
Fortunately, in QlikView Desktop (‘classic’ view, not WebView) there is a shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S overrules all conditional show expressions making every hidden sheet and sheet object visible. Now you know.
Today I read the blog post “Green Is The Colour” by Henric Cronström on QlikTech’s Business Discovery Blog. In this post, Henric points to the fact that, while green may be QlikView’s signature colour, it is the unassociated, gray values that are a crucial part of the discovery process.
While I completely agree with Henric that the colour coding is integral to the QlikView experience, his post did leave me wondering. Does it always have to be green?
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February 23, 2012 – 12:21
A short post today on an ‘annoyance’ that invariably pops up at my clients; when copy and pasting images of QlikView objects into their PowerPoint presentation or Word document, the images look blurry and slightly out of focus.
Fortunately, there is an easy way to solve this. Instead of using the regular paste option, use paste special to paste the image as a bitmap.

In both Office 2007 and 2010, the paste special option can be accessed via the paste drop-down menu on the left of the Home tab/ribbon, or via the Ctrl + Alt + V keyboard shortcut.
That’s it!
It has been a while since my last post. To get back in the habit of regular updates, I am starting today with a short tip on a caveat of the use of the equals sign (=).
Starting an expression with or without an equals sign may almost seem like an arbitrary decision. Most developers quickly figure out that this is not true for text objects. However, there is another, less obvious area where the use of the equals sign can greatly impact how (and more importantly, when) your expression is calculated.
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November 25, 2010 – 12:45
A short tip today about something that actually took me quite some time to figure out: how to easily format table cells. Where in Excel you can just right-click on a cell and choose “Format Cells”, that option seems to be missing in QlikView … or is it? read more »
The alignment toolbar offers some excellent options to lay out the QlikView objects on your sheet.

However, sometimes you may want to position your objects in a manner that cannot be done with the standard alignment options. Positioning the objects just right with the mouse is very hard, so consider this alternative: when you select an object and hold down the Control button, you can use the arrow keys to move the object one pixel at a time. Using Control + Shift lets you move the object ten pixels at a time.