Category Archives: General

General topics

Qlik named a leader again in the 2022 Magic Quadrant

Qlik has been named a Leader in the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms for the 12th consecutive year! You can find the full report on Qlik’s website.

Magic Quadrant Sense Mashup

To explore the paths that different vendors have taken over the past year, we have created a small Qlik Sense mashup. Select a year to see the Magic Quadrant for that year. To see the paths (or “snail trails”) for the different vendors, click on their bubble.

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Bitmetric Friday Qlik Test Prep – Week 9 – Statements & Breakpoints – Solution

Every Friday at Bitmetric we’re posting a new Qlik certification practice question to our LinkedIn company page. Last Friday we asked the following Qlik Data Architect certification practice question:

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Qlik named a leader again in the 2019 Magic Quadrant

Qlik has been named a Leader in the 2019 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms for the 9th consecutive year! More information and a write up by Qlik’s Dan Sommer can be found here. The full report can be requested here.

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Qlik Sense Desktop February 2019 released!

Hi, I am Vincent Hayward and this is my first blog on, okay well to be honest; it’s my first blog post ever. So let me introduce myself first as colleague of Barry Harmsen at Bitmetric. Furthermore I am working with QlikView since 2010 and before that I was a WebFocus consultant. But eventually you stick with the best, so QlikView and Qlik Sense it is and WebFocus at rest. To conclude this short introduction; I am 39 years old, living in Naaldwijk, The Netherlands with my wife and kids. Loves to play indoor soccer and videogames, such as Overwatch, Civilization, Red Dead Redemption 2, Diablo and Starcraft.

Qlik Sense has really made progress becoming a full scale product as QlikView and made a huge effort having certain features in Qlik Sense that were common in QlikView. At the end of 2018 with the November 2018 release we even got variable input, tabbed containers, buttons as a dashboard bundle package. Basically it was an extension package, which was added to the Qlik Sense Installer by default and who cares!?

With the february 2019 release they really vamped the look and feel with an improved flow within the application. Now we can move from data, analysis and story much better then before. It became an one click navigation element as a horizontal menu.

Data, Analysis and Story as a horizontal menu
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Qlik named a leader in the 2018 Magic Quadrant

Qlik has been named a Leader in the 2018 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms for the 8th consecutive year. Although Tableau and Microsoft seem to have expanded their lead, Qlik has made some excellent progress along the “Completeness of vision” axis. With all the cool stuff that is coming up in the next year, I am sure this will be followed next year by more success along the “Ability to execute” axis.

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Qlik introduces Professional and Analyzer licenses for Qlik Sense

Qlik announces Professional and Analyzer licenses for Qlik Sense

As of today, Qlik has changed to a new licensing model for Qlik Sense. To those of you who’ve been around the Qlik ecosystem a little longer, this change will sound very familiar. Read on for a short summary of the most interesting changes.

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Qlik named leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant

The 2017 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms has been released and Qlik is in the Leaders quadrant for the 7th consecutive year! Besides Qlik, both Tableau and Microsoft return in the Leaders quadrant, where they also were last year.


Comparing this edition with previous year’s Magic Quadrant, we can see that Qlik has lost around 15% on Completeness of vision, while more or less keeping the same Ability to execute. At the same time, we can see that both Tableau and Microsoft have both significantly improved their lead in these areas. I haven’t seen the actual analyst report yet so the reasons for these changes remain speculation at this time.  (will update with a link once a vendor releases it for free).

Update 2017/02/22: the full report can be found here.



Looking at the multi-year trend, we can see that Business Discovery has truly become mainstream while the previously dominant ‘Mega Vendors’ have been downgraded to the middle of the pack (look where IBM was in 2013, and where it is now). The positive exception here is Microsoft, which seems to have reinvented themselves in the past few year (Power BI!).


Look who’s talking to your Qlik Sense Desktop

lookwhostalkingHappy new year to you! Just a very short post today with a little fun and possibly a warning. You may be aware that you can use the Qlik Sense API’s on your Qlik Sense Desktop, but are you also aware that any webpage can access them? The widget on the top right contains some JavaScript that tries to connect to your local Qlik Sense Desktop, if it succeeds the version and number of apps are displayed. (click on the X Applications link for an application browser)

This is just some harmless fun of course, and potentially offers some nice options for Qlik bloggers, for example click to automatically generate an app, online performance analyzer, etc. Just be aware that there could also be more nefarious purposes, for example deleting applications or extracting data. It’s probably very unlikely that someone will target this, but good to keep in mind anyway.

On a different note, Qlik Sense 3.1 SR4 was released yesterday. And, if you’re based in The Netherlands (or willing to travel there) and interested in Qlik Sense web development with mashups, extensions and widgets then we have an interesting training coming up. More info here (in Dutch, but training will be in English, contact me if you’re interested).

Extracting embedded images from QlikView

ImageExtractor for QlikView

ImageExtractor for QlikView

ImageExtractor is a small utility that extracts images from your QlikView applications and stores them as bitmaps. It also gives you a browser that tells you which images are used in which QlikView application.

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Remote include scripts

Got a bunch of scripts here for you, where do you want me to put them?One of the reasons why I like QlikView so much is that there are always new functions and applications to discover. Yesterday I was at a client who is a Qlik OEM partner. During lunch we discussed various uses of include scripts. The question came up if it was possible to remotely update include scripts. At the same time they didn’t want these external scripts to be viewable (they sell a solution based on QlikView, clients get the solution but the OEM owns the code). Of course, that makes things a little more complicated. The include script sits outside of QlikView in plain text, so anyone can read it. Besides that, updating an external script that sits on the client’s local server is also not a straightforward affair.

I started wondering if it might be possible to fetch an include script from a remote website. So I just tried it, and it works!* (in QlikView, Sense requires Legacy Mode to be enabled, I will let you decide if that is a good idea)

Try this one for example:


In my opinion, this opens up some interesting use cases:

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