Category Archives: Functions

QlikView blog round-up: If-statements, inline tables & EDX

DecisionsTime to dust off a posting category that hasn’t been getting as much love as it should have; the QlikView blog round-up. Today I have for you three blog posts that I read recently and found very interesting:

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Creating a custom sort order: load order & dual

Dual or Duel? Couldn't find a fitting picture to visualize the concept of sorting, so I decided to make a lame joke instead ;) Excellent movie though, really had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.In a previous post I described how to create a custom sort order in QlikView by assigning a sort order value in the load script or by using the match function. This post describes two other clever methods that I recently became aware of:

Read on to see how these methods work.

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Creating a custom sort order

QlikView offers quite a few ways to easily sort dimensions in your listboxes, tables and charts: by frequency, numeric, text or load order. But what if you want to use a custom sort order that does not follow one of these patterns?

Consider, for example, the following scenario; we have three Business Lines: A, B and C. These Business Lines always need to appear in the order B, A, C. This type of ordering cannot* be achieved by using any of the default sort orders, we will have to create a custom sort order. This post will describe two methods for doing this.

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Regular expressions in the load script

Regular expressions (or “regex”) are a developer’s best friend, they offer an extremely powerful way to search for or replace patterns in strings of text.

This post assumes that you already know how what regular expressions are and how to construct them. If this is not the case, then you may want to read up a little bit here before proceeding. Trust me, if you regularly have to deal with validating and cleaning input data then regular expressions are well worth your time.

Data validation and transformation using regular expressions, download the example application

Unfortunately, QlikView does not (yet*) natively support regex, however, there is a way to use regular expressions in your QlikView load script: VBScript. read more »

Decile analysis

Decile analysis is a popular segmentation tool. Where a pareto analysis splits the top 20% customers (or products, regions, etc.) from the bottom 80%, decile analysis divides them into equally sized groups of 10%.

The image below shows an example of a decile analysis.

Decile analysis

The example shows how a group of 1.000 customers is divided into deciles of 100 customers. Lots of interesting things can be learned from this analysis, amongst other things:

  • Your top 10% customers are generating profit that is significantly above average;
  • Your top 30% customers are responsible for 80% of your profit;
  • You are losing money on your bottom 20% customers (the so-called “bleeders”).

So, how do we create a decile analysis in QlikView? read more »