Author Archives: Vincent Hayward

Vincent Hayward

Vincent knows from an early age what he wants to do; something with computers. Thinking of Business Intelligence solutions is his passion and especially with QlikView and Qlik Sense. In addition to being an enthusiastic Business Intelligence Consultant; Vincent is father of 2 children and is married. In his spare time, Vincent is a indoor soccer player, videogamer and politician in the municipality of Westland.

Bitmetric Qlik Sense Coding Conventions – free download

At Bitmetric, we don’t believe in universal ‘best practices’. Which approach, standard or method works best should always be evaluated in the context of the environment. That being said, there are certainly starting points that can serve as ‘good ideas’.

Today we offer you one such starting point, the Bitmetric Coding Conventions for Qlik Sense.

Read on and find out how you can get your free copy of this document.

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Implementing section access based on Qlik Sense user table.

Welcome to my third Blog post, which will be a basic tutorial of how to setup section access for your Qlik Sense application, based on the Qlik Sense user table. This approach, created together with my colleague Martijn Olivier, is straight forward to implement in various occasions. My aim is not to over complicate it with all the extra possibilities that are possible. Also bear in mind that it should not substitute application level access based on security rules. This method describes how to implement section access within an application, based on a custom property assigned to a group of users.

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Tutorial Tuesday: Implementing version control for Qlik Sense with Git, GitHub and Visual Studio Code

Welcome to my second Blog post, which will be a basic tutorial of how to setup a lightweight version control for Qlik Sense script. This approach is straight forward to implement in various occasions. My aim is not to over complicate version control by offering this as a nice beginners guide on version control and workflow.

This tutorial will be part of a series of Tutorial Tuesdays that will lead to a lightweight, straight forward and easy to implement framework within Qlik Sense. In the series of tutorials hereafter will we cover topics as version control with script changes, different localization settings, loading centralized variables, creating master items on variables and eventually getting a simple dashboard up and running based on all tutorials altogether.

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Qlik Sense Desktop February 2019 released!

Hi, I am Vincent Hayward and this is my first blog on, okay well to be honest; it’s my first blog post ever. So let me introduce myself first as colleague of Barry Harmsen at Bitmetric. Furthermore I am working with QlikView since 2010 and before that I was a WebFocus consultant. But eventually you stick with the best, so QlikView and Qlik Sense it is and WebFocus at rest. To conclude this short introduction; I am 39 years old, living in Naaldwijk, The Netherlands with my wife and kids. Loves to play indoor soccer and videogames, such as Overwatch, Civilization, Red Dead Redemption 2, Diablo and Starcraft.

Qlik Sense has really made progress becoming a full scale product as QlikView and made a huge effort having certain features in Qlik Sense that were common in QlikView. At the end of 2018 with the November 2018 release we even got variable input, tabbed containers, buttons as a dashboard bundle package. Basically it was an extension package, which was added to the Qlik Sense Installer by default and who cares!?

With the february 2019 release they really vamped the look and feel with an improved flow within the application. Now we can move from data, analysis and story much better then before. It became an one click navigation element as a horizontal menu.

Data, Analysis and Story as a horizontal menu
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