Hi there!
As of February 28th 2023 we’ve moved all our blogging activities to our Bitmetric company blog (https://bitmetric.nl/blog). Why? Because it just seemed more practical than running two separate blogs (also, it looks much nicer!). Check it out, we’ve already have more than 50 posts there, including our weekly Qlik certification test prep questions (follow our LinkedIn company page if you want to participate in the weekly questions).
We’ll gradually copy and refresh some of the content from the QlikFix blog to the Bitmetric Blog. Of course, we’ll keep this site running in archive mode so you can revisit the golden oldies.
If you have any questions then do not hesitate to get in touch. Take care and hope to see you at the Bitmetric blog.
Kind regards,
Barry Harmsen and the team at Bitmetric