Hi, I am Vincent Hayward and this is my first blog on QlikFix.com, okay well to be honest; it’s my first blog post ever. So let me introduce myself first as colleague of Barry Harmsen at Bitmetric. Furthermore I am working with QlikView since 2010 and before that I was a WebFocus consultant. But eventually you stick with the best, so QlikView and Qlik Sense it is and WebFocus at rest. To conclude this short introduction; I am 39 years old, living in Naaldwijk, The Netherlands with my wife and kids. Loves to play indoor soccer and videogames, such as Overwatch, Civilization, Red Dead Redemption 2, Diablo and Starcraft.
Qlik Sense has really made progress becoming a full scale product as QlikView and made a huge effort having certain features in Qlik Sense that were common in QlikView. At the end of 2018 with the November 2018 release we even got variable input, tabbed containers, buttons as a dashboard bundle package. Basically it was an extension package, which was added to the Qlik Sense Installer by default and who cares!?
With the february 2019 release they really vamped the look and feel with an improved flow within the application. Now we can move from data, analysis and story much better then before. It became an one click navigation element as a horizontal menu.

Another small improvement is the fact that the top left navigation menu’s became one single hamburger menu with the menu items App overview, Data manager, Data load editor, Data model viewer, Open hub, Add data, Touch screen mode (on/off), Help and About, which could previously be found under the compas icon or the list icon in previous versions.

Another small improvement in the application flow is the Hide Assets and Hide Properties functionality. Unlike previous versions, we can now finally extend our viewport by hiding the left and right panels in the edit mode of sheets (Analysis). But I sincerely hope that with the next release after the February 2019 release this would be also possible in the Script Editor. Fingers crossed!

Another great improvement is that the expression editor provides a way to evaluate the results of calculations with dollar-sign expansions. For developers who use variables a lot it’s a blessing! We can see how these variables evaluate in the context of an entire expression. This reduces the chances of having the wrong syntax.

In the November 2018 release some objects were added at the Custom Objects library as the Dashboard Bundle, like the button for navigation, date picker, on-demand reporting, show/hide container, tabbed container and variable input. In the February 2019 release they added nice icons for these objects, but also one new object has been added, the share button. The Share Button object copies the URL in to the clipboard for further use (or sharing)

The other improvement of the Qlik Sense February 2019 release is the set of additional visualizations as the Qlik Visualization Bundle, with more ‘exotic’ visualizations such as funnel chart, heatmap chart, multi KPI, network chart, radar chart, sankey chart and the good old word cloud chart.

Of course there are some more features in the Qlik Sense Desktop February 2019 release, but I hope this gives you a very good impression the latest version of Qlik Sense.