Mobile BI survey

By Barry Harmsen

Mobile BI Survey

Calling the QlikCommunity! Help out a student with the research for his Master thesis and in return get some interesting insights into the benefits and capabilities of Mobile Business Intelligence.

Twan Peters is a graduate student at Tilburg University in The Netherlands. To earn his Master degree, he is conducting research into Mobile Business Intelligence. His research aims to measure mobile BI success by examining the net benefits and the related mobile BI capabilities.

If you are a mobile BI user (not necessarily using QlikView), can you help him out gathering research data by taking his survey?

The survey will take you approximately 5 – 8 minutes to complete and can be found here:

Twan will provide the survey results to respondents free of charge, and has also agreed to write a guest post, presenting his general conclusions and describing how QlikView users compare to users of other solutions, once his research is complete.