February 28, 2013 – 17:35

Calling the QlikCommunity! Help out a student with the research for his Master thesis and in return get some interesting insights into the benefits and capabilities of Mobile Business Intelligence.
Twan Peters is a graduate student at Tilburg University in The Netherlands. To earn his Master degree, he is conducting research into Mobile Business Intelligence. His research aims to measure mobile BI success by examining the net benefits and the related mobile BI capabilities. read more »
In May of last year I became aware of a new and, dare I say, revolutionary 3D gesture controller; the Leap Motion. After seeing the slick video, I knew I had to have one, how cool would it be to use this with QlikView?
Unfortunately, these units weren’t for sale yet. And to be honest, this looked like another cool gadget that gets hyped for two weeks before, for whatever reason, fading back into obscurity. Noticing Leap had a Developers Wanted page, I figured “why not” and signed up, not expecting to hear anything after that.
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