Check if your LinkedIn password was leaked

By Barry Harmsen

Today it became known that LinkedIn (supposedly) lost around 6.5 million passwords (or more accurately, password hashes). Curious to see if mine was in there, I decided to download the file containing the supposed password hashes and check (it wasn’t). As checking your password against a list of SHA-1 hashes can be a little complicated, I created a little QlikView application to simplify the process. Yes, that’s what I do for fun.

Check if your LinkedIn password was leaked.

The application takes a password for input and checks it against the password hashes. A message is shown to indicate if the password was found. If your password was not found, it is probably a good idea to change it anyway.

You can download the QlikView application using the link below. The application does not yet contain the actual password hashes, you’ll have to download those from one of the many mirrors. At 118 MB it’s a big download, but then again it’s a lot of data. Extract the file named combo_not.txt in the same directory as the QlikView app and reload.

Download the LinkedIn leaked password checker app

Of course, this application is provided completely as-is, without any warranty whatsoever.