Prebuilt QlikView Script for Mozilla’s Open Data Visualization Contest

By Barry Harmsen

Mozilla Test PilotA few days ago I became aware of the Mozilla Open Data Visualization Contest that is being organized by Mozilla Labs and the Mozilla Metrics Team. The goal of this contest is to creatively visualize answers to the question “How do people use Firefox?”. For example by creating visualizations that investigate interesting usage patterns, reveal interesting user behavior, or explore browser performance.

I figured this would be a nice challenge, so I decided to download the data and load it into QlikView. Since I am always curious to see what other people can do with QlikView (it can be very educational) I have shared my load script and data cloud here, so that other developers interested in joining the competition can get a running start.

You can download my project file by clicking here (2.8MB). This zip file contains 3 files:

  • a qvw file preloaded with 100.000 records that contains the script to load the entire “A Week in the Life of a Browser – Version 2” data set into QlikView;
  • a text file with the script that you can paste into a new load script (for Personal Edition users) ;
  • an Excel worksheet that adds some additional data that is not in the base data set: country & language lookups, survey questions and answers and event descriptions.

As the source data set is pretty big I have not included it in the zip file, instead you can download the csv files separately from here. Be sure to place the files in the same directory as the qvw.

Please be warned that you will need a fairly hefty computer to load this data set into QlikView as the events table contains over 64 million rows.

Once the data has been loaded into QlikView you will have the following data cloud available to create your visualizations.

QlikView Data Cloud for the Mozilla Open Data Visualization Contest

The submission deadline for the competition is December 17th. Hopefully there will be many QlikView submissions.

Update 2010/12/21: QlikTech has put their visualization of the Mozilla data online on their demo site.